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    Use more than a million free web apps instantly, or remix to make them your own. Find handy tools for work, art experiments, big ideas for education, and more.

  • Just start typing

    No more fussing with servers and setup: Your app is live on the web as you type. Create industry-standard code (with no lock-in), whether you’re a new coder or an expert.

  • Code together

    Work seamlessly with your friends or coworkers on any project, and connect to the dev tools you already use. Code something new together, or customize existing Glitch apps.

Remote Resources for Coders

For more than ten years, we've had a distributed workforce, and we want to share everything we've learned.

We've captured our best practices in our employee handbook and curated some of the community's best remote apps. Access these resources and more.

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Fresh apps

The latest and greatest projects on Glitch, built by our community of creators.

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Where tech meets culture

Code is shaping the world around us. We’ll help you understand where it’s going.

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