Pinned Projects Skip to After Pinned Projectsrecord-playerA computer vision enabled record player with Spotify and Google VisionbeachcomberA minesweeper clone made with React.blank-example-with-social-cardsYour very own basic web page, ready for you to customize.javascript-chatbotA remixable chatbot used in Mouse Create curriculum. Learn more at mouse.orgSkip to Before Pinned Projects
CollectionsSkip to After CollectionsExamplesSimple examples for libraries and frameworks TransitApps I have made that use transit data MouseTools we use at Mouse. Curriculum ToolsProjects that are part of Mouse Create Curriculum Google SheetsA collection of projects that does ethereal things GamesGames I made Skip to Before Collections
Recent Projectsfind a projectSkip to After Recent ProjectsemojicitytransitA NYC Transit Dashboard that shows status with emojiscratch-unique-diagnosticYour very own basic web page, ready for you to customize.pleaseconfirmyouarearobotA form to confirm you are a robot.irlhtmlAn app to create HTML pages from photos of HTMLsneaky-artistic-adapterAn app to create HTML pages from photos of HTML20minsYour very own basic web page, ready for you to customize.1 / 9Show all 49Skip to Before Recent Projects