blogging tools
I think that blogging should be like taking pictures – do it whenever you feel like it, share however you want, with whatever tools you have with you right now. There's no point waiting for "the right" blogging app to come along, just make your own!
4 Projects
Yeah OK, I'm a little biased here! I built Oregano out of a desire for really simple blogging – all I wanted was to write markdown and post it from anywhere, including from my phone. This is what came out of that, and you can remix it to make a new blog in seconds.
I love blogs, I love spreadsheets. ¿Porque no los dos?
I was so glad to see 11ty become one of Glitch's primary Starter Kits! It's a great way to learn about generated static sites, and build a blog that has a really in-depth feature set, with minimal experience.
Jekyll was what really started it for me – after trying things like WordPress and Squarespace, it was Jekyll that introduced me to things like front matter, writing everything in Markdown, and generating a static site from your own files. Great starting point if you want to learn about what goes into making a blog, beyond writing posts.