ArtArchiveA album of projects created for the Artists in the Archive class at ITP in Spring 2019 5 Projects PlaySkip to After This Sectionaia-week2-inclassworkers1800to2019Workers from 1800 to 2019You can move the slider to see workers of a time.fifty-shades-your-inputA simple Node app built on Express, instantly up and running.marc-countriesA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.marc-disaster-effyA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.Skip to Before This Section
Skip to After This Sectionaia-week2-inclassworkers1800to2019Workers from 1800 to 2019You can move the slider to see workers of a time.fifty-shades-your-inputA simple Node app built on Express, instantly up and running.marc-countriesA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.marc-disaster-effyA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.Skip to Before This Section