Pinned Projects Skip to After Pinned ProjectsameasureofcareLook for remarkable people in the Library of Congress' collections.Skip to Before Pinned Projects
CollectionsSkip to After Collectionsartistsinthearchiveprojects and examples from artists in the archive, a class at ITP collectiveplayprojects and examples from collective play, a class at ITP Skip to Before Collections
Recent Projectsfind a projectSkip to After Recent ProjectscollectiveplaymobiledeviceThe vanilla project that does rumbling thingsoutdoortreeinstallationOutdoor installation in John Muir National Monument, a prototype. Better descrip…sleuthandcareA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.secondcollectiveplaycollectivepictionarygameA grouchy project that does joyful thingssecondmapjsonxlsexampleA bare bones template for P5.js that points to the newest P5 version.web-scraping-tool-with-cheerioReally simple cheerio.js demo1 / 5Show all 28Skip to Before Recent Projects