Prof's Tutorial ProjectsHere are the projects that I build in my tutorial videos 11 Projects PlaySkip to After This Sectionusing-spoke-aframeWeek 6 - Using Spoke for aframe environments, adding a load screen, & contro…curious-skeleton-attachedWeek 5- extra - animated character attached to the cameraan-animated-cameraWeek 5- Extra- Animate the camera!fire-and-dewWeek 5- extra - fire and an object attached to the cameraweek5-linking-scenesWeek 5: Example of how to link separate a-frame scenes & add camera position…animated-models-week4Using animated 3D models in your projects. Week 4 Part 2animation-tutorial-week4More about the animation component. Week 4 Part 1yvette-granata-week3-tutorialPart 1 Week 3:Normal Maps, Animation, and Component Registryweek3-model-tutorialWeek 3 Cont: Intro to 3D modelsyvette-granata-week2Intro to Aframe Tutorial. Week 2. Primitives & Texture. Base for creating vi…little-vr-historyWeek 1 - Example html assignment page.Skip to Before This Section
Skip to After This Sectionusing-spoke-aframeWeek 6 - Using Spoke for aframe environments, adding a load screen, & contro…curious-skeleton-attachedWeek 5- extra - animated character attached to the cameraan-animated-cameraWeek 5- Extra- Animate the camera!fire-and-dewWeek 5- extra - fire and an object attached to the cameraweek5-linking-scenesWeek 5: Example of how to link separate a-frame scenes & add camera position…animated-models-week4Using animated 3D models in your projects. Week 4 Part 2animation-tutorial-week4More about the animation component. Week 4 Part 1yvette-granata-week3-tutorialPart 1 Week 3:Normal Maps, Animation, and Component Registryweek3-model-tutorialWeek 3 Cont: Intro to 3D modelsyvette-granata-week2Intro to Aframe Tutorial. Week 2. Primitives & Texture. Base for creating vi…little-vr-historyWeek 1 - Example html assignment page.Skip to Before This Section