Bread & Butter10 Projects PlaySkip to After This Sectiondropbox-authServer-side authorization for Dropbox examplegithub-apiAn example app playing with some things we can fetch from the GitHub API.Glitch Teamsendgrid-quickstartThe minimum needed code to send an email with SendGridpouchdb-serverNoSQL Database in JavaScriptGlitch Teammongodb-syncPersistence with MongoDB (sync)github-oauthAn example app implementing Github OAuth with Passport.jsGlitch TeamnodemailerNodemailer example appGlitch Teamrest-apiAPI endpoint example app with ExpressGlitch Teamauth0Auth0 NodeJS SeedGlitch Teamsocketio-chatA simple chat demo using socket.ioSkip to Before This Section
Skip to After This Sectiondropbox-authServer-side authorization for Dropbox examplegithub-apiAn example app playing with some things we can fetch from the GitHub API.Glitch Teamsendgrid-quickstartThe minimum needed code to send an email with SendGridpouchdb-serverNoSQL Database in JavaScriptGlitch Teammongodb-syncPersistence with MongoDB (sync)github-oauthAn example app implementing Github OAuth with Passport.jsGlitch TeamnodemailerNodemailer example appGlitch Teamrest-apiAPI endpoint example app with ExpressGlitch Teamauth0Auth0 NodeJS SeedGlitch Teamsocketio-chatA simple chat demo using socket.ioSkip to Before This Section