Starter projects by everyone, for everyone.
Do you have a useful starter project that could be added here? Message @khalby786!
21 Projects
The OG Node starter, running an Express server.
The essential NodeJS starter by Glitch, running a server with Fastify.
A template for executing Jest tests with pretty output.
A proof-of-concept for Caddy, an open source web server with automatic HTTPS.
For all the Apache fans out there, the Glitch implementation!
Learning JavaScript has never been easier!
A fancy new Glitch starter to run React, without the hassle of switching between production and deployment modes.
Create your own blog using Eleventy, a really cool static site generator!
A starter p5.js project, which also happens to be my first p5.js project 😃
@stegriff's extremely simple Vue starter.
Svelte lovers, heed your call. @jenn made this originally and I fixed it.
A starter Vue SPA powered by Vite, ready for remix!
A Nuxt template, running on Webpack!
Too lazy to use Nuxt? We gotchu because if you remix this project, your Vue SPA will gain magical routing abilities using the vue-router.
More superpowers for Vue (we love our Vue projects), but this time it's state management, with Vuex!
DataStax Astra DB provides the ability to develop and deploy data-driven applications with a cloud-native service, without the hassles of database and infrastructure administration.
If you're feelin' hacky, you can use Airtable as a database for your NodeJS app!
Or if you prefer something like SQLite, then this project allows you to do just that!
Random color codes, random quotes, funny stuff? Well here's a Twitter bot starter to create the next Jarvis - for Twitter.
Use the new Twitter Activity API to make even more awesome bots!
"creative bots" - shouldn't that be more than enough for you to remix this project and start tinkering on Glitch???
suspended project