Pinned Projects Skip to After Pinned Projectsdoors-to-doorsa silly experiment of doors within doors within doors with an unpredictable serv…trickster-serverA remixable project with a static web server that won't give you want you ask fo…Skip to Before Pinned Projects
Recent Projectsfind a projectSkip to After Recent Projectshttpoetics-anthologyAn anthology of work by the HTTPoetics Class taught by Todd Anderson at SFPCremix-static-assets-serveUse relative paths to serve assets via an ExpressJS serverflannel-childlike-evergreenUse relative paths to serve assetschlorinated-six-gastoniaA simple Node app built with Fastify, instantly up and running.likeable-private-clarinetYour very own basic web page, ready for you to customize.learned-economic-summerYour very own basic web page, ready for you to customize.1 / 2Show all 8Skip to Before Recent Projects