Collectionscollection searchSkip to After Collectionsgraph-qlGraphQL Projects d3-data-vizData visualization sandboxes using D3.js tfjsTensorflow.js projects. iot-ml-labLab for building a web-based IoT Occupancy Sensor using existing and custom ML models + computer vis…python-flaskCollection of web applications using a Python + Flask backend. a-frameA-frame AR/VR templates and experiments. 1 / 2Show all 8Skip to Before Collections
Recent Projectsfind a projectSkip to After Recent Projectsd3-vue-bar-chartModular, reactive, animated bar chart using D3.js and idiomatic Vue.js.iot-ml-pt-3Adding in webcam capture and basic UI.iot-ml-pt-2Adding components to our Vue.js application.iot-ml-pt-1The starter template containing the Vue.js skeleton. Remix this to get started.iot-ml-pt-4Adding in tensorflow.js model(s) and prediction methods to analyze captured imag…tensorflow-polynomial-regressionA small example of using tensorflow.js1 / 7Show all 41Skip to Before Recent Projects